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The NHS defines  as the unintentional passing of urine . It’s a common problem thought to affect millions of people. There are several different types of urinary incontinence including:

  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Urge urinary incontinence
  • Mixed urinary incontinence
  • Overflow urinary incontinence
  • Neurological bladder disorder
  • Functional urinary incontinence

As people get older, bladder dysfunctions become more prominent. Whether you suffer from stress or overflow incontinence herbal medicine has great supportive remedies.

Aging causes structural alterations to the bladder. Common problems are urinary incontinence, and bladder and urinary tract infections.

Trying to understand just what urinary  is can be confusing. There are different types of incontinence with similar sounding symptoms, as well as some difficult terminology that can be hard to understand at first glance. All of this can lead to negative emotions in those affected by incontinence, and even mental health issues. If you’re struggling then it can be helpful to try talking about incontinence and seeking help from a friend, family, herbalist or medical professional who can provide you with tips and advice around coping strategies.

Drinking enough fluid, especially water can flush bacteria out of your urinary tract.

· Limit the use of alcohol and caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate and most carbonated drinks - including energy drinks) – as they are irritant

· Avoid constipation by eating plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains (caution with certain conditions) be physically active and keep hydrated. Constipation may affect bladder control and urinary continence.

· Being physically active and making healthy food choices can help control the weight, improve muscle tone and is beneficial to your emotional wellbeing.

· Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the muscles important to bladder health and therefore help to hold urine in the bladder.

· Make sure you use the bathroom as often as needed and take your time to let the bladder empty fully, holding onto urine can weaken the muscles and can make bladder infection more likely. After using the toilet wipe front to back to prevent bacteria to get into the urethra (especially after a bowel movement).

· Urinate after sex to flush away bacteria that may have entered the urethra during sex.

· Wearing loose cotton underwear allows air to keep the area around the urethra dry preventing trapping moisture, which help bacteria to grow.

Herbal medicine is suited for voiding some of the problems.

At my Clinic, I have had some very good results in remedying bladder health. Research papers that discuss herbal treatment.

(PMID: 22432459, PMID:27460108).


Part of the herbal treatment is optimising good bladder health routines. It is always important to remember that if you have any health conditions, speak to your GP before taking on any major dietary changes.



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